I figured you would like to read something other than my
Not Me! Monday posts! So I'm going to fill you in on what I've been up to!
A few weekends ago, I was in Peoria for Maine's [my little cousin] 3rd birthday party. Here are some pictures from it:

And then I was home November 25-30 for Thanksgiving Break. I hardly had any down time! Tuesday night, I met Elizabeth, Sarah N., Jewel, and Brittany at Olive Garden for dinner. It was nice to be able to hang out with them, I haven't seen them in quite awhile! That night I stayed at Melissa's because I went with her and her mom to the hospital on Wednesday for some tests. On Wednesday afternoon, I went over to my grandma's with Luc, Lexie, Zach, Abby, Austin and Ashley and played games! We played 2 games of Bunco and a game of Golf [the card game] The younger kids helped grandma decorate her tree earlier. That night I took Lexie and Nichole to see Twilight. For Thanksgiving on Thursday, we went to my Uncle Rick and Aunt Wilma's house. My cousin, Sean, who now lives in Detroit, and my Uncle Bob, who lives in Canada were both there and it was nice to see them, along with my other aunts, uncles and cousins! Friday was super busy! We took Abby, Austin and Ashley to the Santa Claus Parade [longest running holiday parade in the United States!] and then we met Kristi and Grandma at Avanti's for lunch. Abby, Austin and Ashley came over afterwards and went with us to get our Christmas tree and helped set it up while Zach and I went to the AT&T store to look at iPhones! That night, I babysat Evan and Jacob and then to of their cousins, Ben and Gabe, yes...4 boys...all around the same age. It was busy but so much fun! Saturday I went to a basketball game in Brimfield and then to American with Melissa. She ended up buying an awesome video camera. That night I babysat Parker and Brock. It was nice seeing them too...I couldn't believe how much bigger they had gotten! I hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving!