Saturday morning I was up at 6 A.M. for Special Olympics. I was really excited for it, but already exhausted so I was hoping it would go well. We got to the high school where it was taking place at 7:30 and just sat around until about 9 when Opening Ceremonies started. Then we were supposed to be paired up with a buddy. Well because of the weather, not many athletes from the first group we were paired with showed up, so they didn't have enough athletes for us so we were given two other groups. Those didn't have enough either. I was a little upset because I was looking forward to being a buddy and now, I wasn't going to get to do it. Eventually, we were paired up with a group that was late. I was paired with Robert. He was 45 years old and high functioning. We hung out with Caitlin and her buddy, Harry all day. Robert and Harry's group had to leave early, so we started walking around and hanging out with other people and their buddies. I ended up with Kathleen, Megan and Brendan. Brendan had a little bit of time before his next event, so Megan and I went with him to one of the hallways and raced cars down it and had a lot of fun! After Brendan's last event, we said our goodbyes and headed back to SLU.
As soon as I got back, I changed clothes and headed to my bed. I was able to get an hour and a half in before Relay for Life. As always, I had a ton of fun. Relay is one of my favorite events at SLU. It's so awesome to see the campus come together for such a great cause. Everyone from my team was gone by 3 A.M. or so but some girls from Students for Life were there with their floor so I was able to stay until 6 with them.
Sunday night, I watched a movie, "Sweet Nothing in My Ear" for Sign Language. It's about a family with a hearing father and a deaf mother and a boy who was born hearing but is now completely deaf and their struggles in deciding whether or not they want him to receive a cochlear implant or not. In class on Monday, we spent the whole time discussing the movie and different perspectives on CI's. This discussion amongst other things lead me to the dilemma of possibly changing my major, again. I would really like to go into Speech Pathology or become a teacher for the deaf. But this would prolong my schooling even longer, and I would probably end up transferring etc. So I may be adding Communication Science Disorders as a minor instead of completely changing my major although, who knows what I'll have decided by Fall semester!
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