Thursday, June 19, 2008

The boys of summer...


So this summer I am babysitting two boys, Evan [6 years old] and Jacob [4 years old].  This week I watched them Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but it was mainly just Jacob because Evan's in a summer day camp at Bradley.  On Monday Lexie came back out to their house with me after I dropped Evan off and we decided a new hairstyle was needed on him :-)

Jacob & Lexie
One day I brought Jacob over to my house for a little bit after dropping Evan off at dat camp because he likes seeing Pele and stuff.  Well my mom was crushing cans so Jacob and I went out to help for a little bit and he loved it!  Then a couple days later, both of the boys were here before Vacation Bible School and Jacob wanted to crush some more cans so he and Evan went out and finished crushing what we had left and searched the house for more [they found two more in Luc's garbage can].  I wish I had pictures of them doing this because it was so funny to watch! 

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