I did not wake up early and drive back to St. Louis this morning because I wanted to stay home and sleep in my bed one more night.
I did not get into a yelling match with my brother and Corey about how the media misconstrued just about everything that Sarah Palin said. Nope, not me. The election's over and it doesn't matter anymore, right? [Wrong...this bother's me to no end!]
I did not look into transferring to the University of Alaska-Anchorage simply because Sarah Palin is the governor of Alaska.
I did not get threatened with an ...or else... if I don't stay in St. Louis this weekend.
Okay, so these aren't very good one's buuut it's my first week [well second, but I didn't publish the first one because they were even worse than these!] If you want to read more, or get the button so you can make your own, head on over to mckmama's blog!
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