Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prayers for Stellan


I promise to post an actual post about what's going on in my life soon but right now, I feel this is much more important.
One of the blogs that I have on my iGoogle to make sure I don't miss a new post is MckMama's blog. When MckMama was pregnant with Stellan, aka MckMuffin [that beautiful baby boy in the picture above] she was told that he had SVT [Supra Ventricular Tachycardia] and that he would not live. Long story short, he was born, perfectly healthy on October 19th of last year. You can read his story by clicking on the MckMiracle button on my sidebar or by going to MckMama's blog. A few days ago, MckMama took Stellan into the the ER because he was having some problems breathing and was really fussy. He ended up being admitted and was later diagnosed with SVT again. I ask that you please pray for Stellan and his family. I do not know them personally, but after following her blog for so long I feel like I do. There is also another website that someone created, Praying for Stellan, where you can go and leave comments or even a post if you feel so inclined.

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