Friday, February 12, 2010

Bucket List [Updated]


I'm sitting here, watching the Opening Ceremonies with some friends at SLU, and Biji starts thinking of ways that she can be part of the Olympic Experience. After much consideration and brainstorming, we still haven't figured out how she's going to accomplish this but it did bring up another topic, Bucket Lists. I made one after I saw the movie, The Bucket List, but I have absolutely no idea where it's at now. I started a new one tonight thought and will share after a few of you share a couple things you have on your Bucket List.


My Bucket List so far...[I'm still thinking of things that I can actually do now]

  1. Attend the Winter Olympic Games
  2. Attend the Summer Olympic Games
  3. Attend a Women’s World Cup
  4. Attend a Men’s World Cup
  5. Watch the sunrise on every continent
  6. Watch the sunset on every continent
  7. See the Northern Lights
  8. Attend a Cubs game
  9. Attend the Super Bowl
  10. Put feet in Pacific Ocean
  11. Put feet in Atlantic Ocean
  12. Go on the LOST tour in Hawaii
  13. Attend a movie premier
  14. Write a book

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2 Response to Bucket List [Updated]

February 15, 2010 at 8:50 PM

So fun to see you posting again! I'll do the Lost tour with you. :) And, have you never been to a Cubs game??? Never knew that!

February 15, 2010 at 11:38 PM

Thanks Aubrey! There just wasn't a lot going on that was blog worthy so I stopped, so now I'm looking for fun topics to post about, or if you have any suggestions let me know! I was looking at the different Lost tours for hours one night, they aren't very pricy, it's the whole getting/staying in Hawaii part that's holding me back..someday! And yes, I know, I've been to Busch Stadium more times that I can count and I've seen the Cubs play 3 times, just never at Wrigley...hopefully sometime this season :-)