This is over a month overdue, but keeping with the unspoken theme of my blog, better late than never!
This Fourth of July was spent in my home away from home, St. Louis. I went on vacation that next week with my friend, Melissa and her family and instead of driving all the way to the Ozarks on Saturday morning, we were just going to go down Friday, stay with her grandma in Collinsville and see the fireworks in St. Louis. Well instead, Melissa, me, Nichole [Melissa's sister] and Shelbi [Nichole's friend] drove down Thursday night [well technically I think it was Friday because we left around midnight] and got there early that morning. We went to Six Flags all day on the 4th then went downtown St. Louis for the fireworks. It was so cool because we sat behind the Arch, so all of the fireworks were und
er it and let me just say, they were a *little* better than Peoria's :-)

Me [I look like a giant], Melissa and Shelbi

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