Melissa, Nichole, Shelbi, me and Mitch on the giant hot dog

All of us on their aunt's boat!

Our pyramid! I started on the blue one by myself then Mitch jumped on and then when we were ready Melissa jumped on...all while the boat was moving!
Okay, so the next few pictures have a little story behind them. On the last full day we were down there, we were just tubing and swimming and stuff and they saw some people cliff jumping and so we decided to go do it. We made sure it was deep enough with the distance thing on the boat and then we climbed up. I'm not sure how or why but I originally got voted to go first. I don't know what I was thinking, but I did [10 minutes later...and I'm not exagerrating we have it on tape] Melissa kept telling up to jump out but in a pencil jump and keep our legs together and point our toes. Even after hearing this and picturing how to jump, I ended up just jumping out in a sky dive sort of jump arms and legs flailing. I don't remember jumping or anything. Just the pain of hitting the water. I'm pretty sure I got a concussion, I got the wind knocked out of me, chipped my tooth and my mouth was all cut up. It hurt. I climbed back up to do it again but then I remembered the pain and decided against it. Even though it hurt, it was fun! As soon as I get the video, I'll post it on here.

All of use getting ready to jump off the cliff

This is the cliff [but not me jumping..that will be added when I get my pictures uploaded.]
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